Thursday, 19 January 2012

10~11 让我开心的小小的事

1. 午餐能吃到‘菜饭’摊的荷包蛋
2. 在班上答对了老师的问题
3. 学校宣布Half day
4. CAFÉ 的小孩子全到
5. 跟Ms Chong 讲话不被她骂
6. 走在宿舍后面的住宅区吃冰淇淋
7. 吃晚餐时大家坐满一张桌子
8. 早餐可以吃炒饭/米粉
9. 周四的宵夜是donut
10. SP 骂我没塞衣服然后没有记我名
11. 体育节
12. 可以一躺下就睡着
13. 可以睡到自然醒
14. 王鹤儒切水果给张越吃
15. 在公园荡秋千
16. 一个人在街上走
17. Break curfew 没有被骂
18. 找到Movie Night 能播的DVD
19. 清洁安娣跟我讲早安
20.   洗衣机及烘干机正常操作
21. 跟大家在一起

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Happy CNY

I love this long Chinese New Year holiday

We get to stay at home for as long as we want
Zw and Yc do not have to worry about the air tickets to go back Singapore
Daniel gets to go back Miri
and everyone gets to enjoy more of the Chinese New Year songs for at least more than one week

Anyway I will miss eating Yusheng with 10SH23
the CNY celebration in school
and of course the Angpao from Jp's mum

Still, I enjoy being home now! 

Happy CNY!

Thursday, 12 January 2012
