Saturday, 27 October 2012

It's Saturday!

Spent the whole morning on Infusion audition. It was tiring but fun. I personally think that it was not bad, though not perfect. But the seniors who came to watch seemed to be quite unhappy with our performance. It is reasonable as people always expect more from their own country's people. There is definitely a lot of room for improvement, so jia you everyone! :)

I am quite sorry that I did not put up a happy face and was very quiet for the whole morning. I wasn't very unhappy actually. I just felt a little left out sometimes. One thing that bothered me was that some of us were planning to go out tonight. Jw actually asked if I could go. I said I couldn't cauz there is a test on Tuesday. Then she went around asking other people. So I actually felt sad that she didn't bother to ask me one more time. Haha...I know this is lame, but I really felt a little bit down just because of that.

Sorry for the over-sensitiveness. It is partly because I do feel lonely most of the time here. The one that I trusted the most in NUS just kinda betrayed me, or I should say I just found out that he treats me more as a competitor rather than a friend.....

Ok I shall stop. Why is it that every time I write everything will somehow turns emotional? Lol...

Have a good weekend everyone! =)

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