Thursday, 20 October 2011

I love GP

I went for consultation with my GP tutor this morning. It was my first formal consultation with a teacher since I enter JC. Er…no…First formal consultation in my life actually. Because of my terrible GP results, my GP tutor did ask to go through some essay questions with me when she came to my boarding school during some weekends. But we ended up talking more about some other random stuff rather than GP.

I actually signed up for today’s consultation with Xiaojun but she decided to abandon me and go for Economics lesson instead. So I was alone with Ms Khoo. Then we started going through my two essay plans. For the first one which I spent one hour preparing, I think she felt that I was writing mostly irrelevant stuff and my approach was like ‘wrong’. So we were redoing that question. Hmm…guess what…our final approach for that question was just the same as my initial way of answering it. But to her (or maybe to any GP teachers), they are different. That is also why I could never score well for GP.

For the second essay, I didn’t dare to show her my plan because I did not want to see the ‘oh no, she is hopeless’ face again. So I was telling her why educational qualifications are reliable or unreliable in measuring a person’s true abilities. Luckily she did not show me the disappointing face anymore.

Yeah….GP I love you. 

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