Saturday, 9 July 2011

Resonance 2011

In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with larger amplitude at some frequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonant frequencies. At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations, because the system stores vibrational energy. -- Wikipedia

Couldn't really come out with the definiton of 'Resonance' by myself, so I searched for it from the net.
The definition above shows how well our concert was named. The name 'Resonance' was suggested by Yijie if I remember correctly. It totally reflects the dynamic of our class, 10SH23, especially the part of 'even small periodic driving force can produce large amplitude oscillation'.

I would say the 'small periodic driving force' comes from our dearest personal mentor, Miss Lim Wei Li, a young and enthusiastic lady. Somehow, in those crucial few days of preparing for the concert, everyone in the class came to the same frequency and resonance was achieved. Then everyone put in his/her best and brought the concert towards great success (large amplitude oscillation).

On Tuesday, the school announced banning of all concerts in Term 3. After talking to Mr Yeo, the VP for a few times, Miss Lim finally said that the concert could proceed on Wednesday morning. I felt relieved but at the same time I was really afraid that we would not be able to get everything done in two days time.

The Saturday before the concert was our very first tech-run. On Friday afternoon, we suddenly found out that the PA crew were not really informed of the rehearsal and the SOP was to register at least one week before we need them to come. I am really grateful that they were willing to send their crew to help despite the last minute registration (90% of it was because we had Qian Ying in our class....haha...:)

Now I am lazy to go through all the details here. Anyway, we had our 2nd and 3rd  rehearsal and finally the concert ended beautifully. The whole process of preparing for Resonance 2011 was exciting and tiring, especially during the last few days (or the only few days).

I am really thankful that I am in NJ and in this special class with special people. I believe that 10 years later, when we think about our JC life, we will see these happy faces of ourselves and our classmates.

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